Quote Originally Posted by jettrue View Post
Don't have a fix for it, cause I don't have the same issue.

What version of zen cart are you using?

Go to "Module", the "order total" in your admin, and tell me the sort orders for the order total modules you have installed.

Do you have an out of the ordinary tax setup? Perhaps some items with tax, some items without? Does this occur with every item? Are you taxing the insurance fee?
Discount Coupon ot_coupon 280
Group Discount ot_group_pricing 290
Gift Certificates ot_gv 500
Shipping Insurance ot_insurance 600
Shipping ot_shipping 300
Sub-Total ot_subtotal 100
Tax ot_tax 200
Total ot_total 999

that is my layout. no i dont have insurance added to the tax, or anything like that. all my products have a tax setup on them. and it seems to calculate correctly. This occures every time i click on the add insurance to the order.
If i dont add insurance its fine.