I created a blank ozpost.php in the appropriate location (/var/www/includes/languages/english/modules/shipping/ozpost.php) and that solved the first one.

Next is the parameter problem "Missing argument 4 for template_func::get_template_dir()"

The method is declared in template_func.php as:

function get_template_dir($template_code, $current_template, $current_page, $template_dir, $debug=false)

But is being called in ozpost.php as

$template->get_template_dir('ozpost_del.jpg', $ipath,$ipath2)

Your old AustPost module makes the call with 4 params.. How is get_template_dir declared in your version of Zen Cart? (I have the latest version installed 1.3.8a).. If I add a default blank parameter it's happy, but that might be masking something else..

Anyway, with those fixes it seems to install correctly and works :-)

A Registered International Parcel option would be awesome (now available for parcels up to 2 kg)

Thanks for your effort in supplying this,