Need help! I have Ultimate URL 2.215 and I have found that everytime I change the page title, it creates a new link. So for one product page, if I edit the title, I could easily have 5 different links all with different keywords, linking to my product. I'm just learning SEO, but this seems like it would hurt my SEO efforts if I decide to use a different target keyword for a product. I could change it, but 5 other links to the same page could be indexed by google with keywords I don't want to use anymore.

I posted a thread about this:

How do I get rid of the links Ultimate URL has created? I now have 20,000 links to a 5,000 page site...a bit insane and I don't think this is a good thing for our site to have in general.

How can I get Ultimate URL to stop generating new links and just update the original one? Should I turn it off?

Thank you for any help!