Quote Originally Posted by lat9 View Post
@sw1138lr, please describe what actions you are taking to see that the USPS shipping doesn't display and that no SHIP_usps*.log file is created in the site's /logs directory.

Does you site have a /logs directory and, if so, what are its permissions?

UPS is on the check out screen and USPS is not. I also added the Flat Rate option and it shows up on the check-out screen. What do you mean what actions? I can see with my two eyes it's not on the screen.

Yes - we have a logs directory. files show up in that directory daily. They are normally names mydebug-99999999-999999.log or myDEBUG-adm-9999999d9999.log

Zen-cart has access to logs folder or the other myDEBUG files would not be in the folder.
I checked the attributes of the folder
Owner permissions - read, write and execute
Group permissions - read, write and execute
Public permissions - read, write and execute