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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
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    Default Re: Blank amdin page - already tried suggested solutions from FAQs and Forum

    My thoughts from the changes described having been done to the configure.php files
    Then, I changed the fields DB_SERVER_USERNAME, DB_SERVER_PASSWORD and DB_DATABASE in the /includes/configure.php and /admin/includes/configure.php files using the previous settings for the previous database. It was working before the re-installation and I would like to use its data.
    The other changes necessary to work on thisnew host have not been made...
    Constants: (words in all capital letters such as DB_SERVER_PASSWORD) that include _FS_ are file server path constants and are specific to the host serving the content. These constants exist in both the store and the admin side. The cPanel should list what the path is to the files so that the proper path can be entered for each such constant. The constants with _WS_ in their name are webserver constants and relate to what customers see when viewing the web page's source code or intheir uri or would need to be modified if the relative location of the directory names are the same here aas the previous location.

    The other thing, the "easy install" that is offered by the host is also suspect as some sort of modification was made to make this work, and more than likely the code is different than what is provided via and those differences could also cause problems in the future.
    ZC Installation/Maintenance Support <- Site
    Contribution for contributions welcome...

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
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    Default Re: Blank amdin page - already tried suggested solutions from FAQs and Forum

    Moving Zen Cart from One hosting company to another.
    I have used the following steps to move a Zen Cart installation from one account to another (it does take some effort).
    I have write the steps I recall, but probably have forgotten some....... USE WITH CAUTION 
    DISCLAIMER: Use these steps at your own risk, I have tried to make them clear but you are ultimately responsible.
    On "Old Host":
        1. Backup all current site files (Zen Cart files, email files, SSL, and any other files you want to keep for record or reuse).
        2. Export the Zen Cart database (tables structures and data) (very important to ensure you have a "good" copy of your database).
        3. Save all files and the database locally.
    On "New Host" (this assumes you have new hosting account with access to C-Panel and phpMyAdmin):
        1. Install a "Clean" fresh copy of Zen Cart (normally using a provided wizard from the hosting company). 
            a. Test to ensure the Store is working properly.
            b. Make note of the Admin password and folder name that was used for the new installation.
            (note: During an automated install most hosts will create the database, assign the database user-name, rename the admin folder, and delete the installation folder.)
        2. From C-Panel, locate the tool used to create a new database ( call this "MySQL Databases"). Using this tool.
            a. Create a new "database" (remember the database name used).
            b. Create the new database "user" (remember the user-name and the password).
            c. Assign the new "user" to the new "database".
        3. From the C-Panel, access phpMyAdmin and login. This will provide access to the databases.
            a. Locate the database created in previous step and select.
            b. Using the "SQL" tab, import (or copy and paste if you prefer and the file is not too large) the data that you exported from the "Old Host" database.
            c. Using phpMyAdmin review the tables and data to ensure they look correct, do not change data....
        4. Update the configure.php files with the new database information.
            a. On your new host find the file "includes/configure.php"
            b. Change the file from read-only to writeable.
            c. Update the database related information to match the new database you created above.
            d. Change the file permission back to read-only.
            e. Repeat these steps on the "/admin/includes/configure.php" (remember that the admin folder name will have been changed)
    These steps assume you have customized the version of Zen Cart you are moving (added "Plugins" and Customized Template Theme):
        1. Apply the modifications to the new Zen Cart installation (DO NOT JUST REPLACE FILES) using whatever comparison tool you are comfortable with.
            a. Install new versions of the "Plugins" that support Zen Cart version 1.5.3.
            b. Update your "Custom Template Files", many of these may need to be changed / updated 
                - Compare your files to the "clean" versions in the new installation to verify what changes may be needed.
    These steps assume the database version must be updated from 1.5.x to 1.5.3
        1. Next you will update the database to the new version:
            a. Download Zen Cart 1.5.3 from
            b. Extract the files locally.
            c. Using FTP, upload "ONLY" the zc_install folder to the new host.
            d. Access the install files via "http://yourdomainname/zc_install/index.php"
            c. Follow the prompts, you will only need to update the database, so can ignore the "configure.php" access warnings.
        2. Access your "Admin"
            a. Log-in to the admin ""http://yourdomainname/admin/index.php"
            b. Review and update the information under "Configuration" especially the items related to logs, and paths to the "cache" as they will need to be updated to reflect the new host and new installation.
            TEST TEST TEST and than TEST again to ensure everything is working.
    Backup Files and Databases First. GitHub
    Suggestions, Plugins, etc. used at your own risk.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    ottawa, ontario, canada
    Plugin Contributions

    Default Re: Blank amdin page - already tried suggested solutions from FAQs and Forum

    Quote Originally Posted by potteryhouse View Post
    Moving Zen Cart from One hosting company to another.
    I have used the following steps to move a Zen Cart installation from one account to another (it does take some effort).
    I have write the steps I recall, but probably have forgotten some....... USE WITH CAUTION 
    DISCLAIMER: Use these steps at your own risk, I have tried to make them clear but you are ultimately responsible.
    On "Old Host":
        1. Backup all current site files (Zen Cart files, email files, SSL, and any other files you want to keep for record or reuse).
        2. Export the Zen Cart database (tables structures and data) (very important to ensure you have a "good" copy of your database).
        3. Save all files and the database locally.
    On "New Host" (this assumes you have new hosting account with access to C-Panel and phpMyAdmin):
        1. Install a "Clean" fresh copy of Zen Cart (normally using a provided wizard from the hosting company). 
            a. Test to ensure the Store is working properly.
            b. Make note of the Admin password and folder name that was used for the new installation.
            (note: During an automated install most hosts will create the database, assign the database user-name, rename the admin folder, and delete the installation folder.)
        2. From C-Panel, locate the tool used to create a new database ( call this "MySQL Databases"). Using this tool.
            a. Create a new "database" (remember the database name used).
            b. Create the new database "user" (remember the user-name and the password).
            c. Assign the new "user" to the new "database".
        3. From the C-Panel, access phpMyAdmin and login. This will provide access to the databases.
            a. Locate the database created in previous step and select.
            b. Using the "SQL" tab, import (or copy and paste if you prefer and the file is not too large) the data that you exported from the "Old Host" database.
            c. Using phpMyAdmin review the tables and data to ensure they look correct, do not change data....
        4. Update the configure.php files with the new database information.
            a. On your new host find the file "includes/configure.php"
            b. Change the file from read-only to writeable.
            c. Update the database related information to match the new database you created above.
            d. Change the file permission back to read-only.
            e. Repeat these steps on the "/admin/includes/configure.php" (remember that the admin folder name will have been changed)
    These steps assume you have customized the version of Zen Cart you are moving (added "Plugins" and Customized Template Theme):
        1. Apply the modifications to the new Zen Cart installation (DO NOT JUST REPLACE FILES) using whatever comparison tool you are comfortable with.
            a. Install new versions of the "Plugins" that support Zen Cart version 1.5.3.
            b. Update your "Custom Template Files", many of these may need to be changed / updated 
                - Compare your files to the "clean" versions in the new installation to verify what changes may be needed.
    These steps assume the database version must be updated from 1.5.x to 1.5.3
        1. Next you will update the database to the new version:
            a. Download Zen Cart 1.5.3 from
            b. Extract the files locally.
            c. Using FTP, upload "ONLY" the zc_install folder to the new host.
            d. Access the install files via "http://yourdomainname/zc_install/index.php"
            c. Follow the prompts, you will only need to update the database, so can ignore the "configure.php" access warnings.
        2. Access your "Admin"
            a. Log-in to the admin ""http://yourdomainname/admin/index.php"
            b. Review and update the information under "Configuration" especially the items related to logs, and paths to the "cache" as they will need to be updated to reflect the new host and new installation.
            TEST TEST TEST and than TEST again to ensure everything is working.

    Thank you all for your inputs, I did another fresh installation of the same version (1.5.1) of my previous zen cart and followed the instructions from the link "I want to move my Zen Cart installation to another host or a different server " carefully. It looks like the zen cart and its admin page are working properly. However, I agree with you that further testing is necessary.

    Thanks again


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